Wipe out business debts and get a fresh start! Small businesses are failing at record rates, and business bankruptcies are on the rise more than 43,000 were filed in 2008-up 53% over the previous year. Bankruptcy for Small Business Owners helps small businesses assess the financial condition of their business, determine whether they should declare bankruptcy, and offers step-by-step instructions for completing all of the bankruptcy forms and filing them in court. It covers: * what business debt and assets (if any) would be impacted by bankruptcy * bankruptcy options: Chapter 7, Chapter 13 and Chapter 11, and the eligibility factors and downsides of each *"look back" requirements (periods of time during which personal or business actions have created impediments to filing for bankruptcy) * automatic stays * valuation of business assets (including good will and intellectual property) and shares * exemptions * what happens when there is personal liability for a house * and more. For businesses that are under water and don't want to spend money on a lawyer they can't afford, this book provides all the information they need to handle their own bankruptcy filing.
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