Friday, April 23, 2010

Linux Timesaving Techniques For Dummies

Linux Timesaving Techniques For Dummies

Author(s): Susan Douglas & Korry Douglas
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
File Type:PDF
File Size:15.2 MB
ISBN 10:0764571737
This book is organized into parts — groups of techniques about a common subject that will save you time and help you get your system running better. Each technique is written to be independent of the others, so you only need to implement those techniques that are important to you and your users. From time to time, we may send you to another technique to implement a feature that we’ll be using in our current technique — we just don’t want to waste valuable space repeating ourselves. Each of the parts is about a different facet of a Linux system so you can scan the part title easily, looking for problem solving techniques that will help you, quick.
Saving Time with This Book
The Timesaving Techniques for Dummies books focus on high-payoff techniques that save you time, either on the spot or somewhere down the road. And these books get to the point in a hurry, with step by-step instructions to pace you through the tasks you need to do, without any of the fluff you don’t want. We’ve identified more than 60 techniques that Linux users need to know to make the most of their time. In addition, each technique includes figures that make following along a breeze. Decide for yourself how to use this book: Read it cover to cover if you like, or skip right to the technique that interests you the most.

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